Monday, August 13, 2007

ppl (from different culture) I know @ Tufts

Pictures pictures pictures, this post's gonna be full of pictures. I simply lost all my patience and I 'm gonna introduce all the ppl from different cultural background I know at Tufts!

Here Comes Spanish:

This is Adriana, one of my favorite Spanish friends! My first impression on her is like, goodness gracious, she's so dominant, and I was actually a bit afraid of her. She turned out to be absolutely cute! We cooperated with each other in American culture class, giving a presentation about Greek Life, and that was when we really got to be familiar with each other. Gosh how I missed all the girl's talks we had. And guess what, I'm going to learn Spanish this new semester, and I'm definitely going to pay a visit to Madrid someday.

This is Alba, Adriana's best friend as well as a really sweet girl. We only went to American Culture class together, what a pity. :'( My first impression on her is that "this girl's got fabulous legs!" I esp love her in skinny pants: nice long legs! Incidentally, Sherry, Salina and I actually escorted Adriana and Alba to the airport the day they left, and Alba was wearing sunglasses, concealing tears, probably-- I guess she's just as sentimental as we are.

This is Jorge, aka Speedy. He's probably the most athletic one I've seen in my entire life-- football, (not soccer!) tennis, table-tennis-- he's been amazing. Also, he speaks English with great fluency, and he's only sixteen. Well, he used to sit right next to me in Gennell's class, and my right side had been so hollow ever since the Spanish left. :(

This is Ignacio. I took this photo with him when we were visiting Skywalk. I was simply amazed to find someone resembling Tom Cruise that much that I requested to take a picture with him. Didn't really know him at that time, haha. This guy makes great Sangria, it was not until I tasted the Sangria made by him that I came to realize: gee, I could be alcoholic.

This is Ramon. As a matter of fact, I'm not even sure if he knows who I am for I never really spoke to him. ^^" He's like Ignacio's best friend, always hanging out with him and Giordano. Gennell says he's like a pencil, true, I virtually look inflated when standing next to him.

And then comes Italian:

This is Giordano, the passionate Italian guy. Passionate indeed, I can still recall our very first encounter: I was in Dining Hall, about to get some coffee, and all of a sudden he started to sing to me. I was a bit embarrassed but this experience was so hilarious that I could not possibly forget about it. By the way, he was in charge of making Sangria after the Spanish left. His Sangria was also amazing, I remember I took around 3.5 shots and I got really drunk.

And also Japanese:

This is Yukari (山本友香里), the most "Japanese" girl I found there. What I mean by that is that she matches my every impression on Japanese girls: her face, her skin, her personality, and the way she dresses (just take a look at her ゆかた or Yukata.) She's Gennell's favorite student, I suppose, for she's the Technical Queen in our classroom. :p

This is Akito, (宮川亞希人) my another classmate in Gennell's core class. At first I wasn't even sure if he's Japanese cuz this guy speaks English simply without any accent. He turned out to be one, but a highly Americanized one. :p I really enjoy talking to him, an intelligent as well as an intellectual guy-- one of my favorite friends at Tufts, and Gennell's favorite student as well!

This is Taka (大山貴史) the class scholar! My yet another classmate in Gennell's core class. A language major as well, whose interested field is linguistics (unbelievable for almost all my fellow classmates in NTU DFLL simply dislike this subject, gosh and I have to take this course this semester.) He said he's going to learn German in the future, which is what I'm currently learning right now.

This is Haruka, (坪井 遥) another ICU student in Gennell's core class. He's got a nickname from Gennell, which is 一番, for he's always the first one to sign up for group discussion. A guy highly interested in 村上村樹!

This is Wataru, (中田 涉) a classmate in Gennell's core class, also an engineer in Honda. He actually set up a Sushi bar in Lewis Hall on the very last day of our program. That was the very first time in my entire life to make a Maki all by myself--amazing experience!

Yurie Yurie, energetic Yurie. (山田友里绘) A gorgeous girl, always high-spirited, always lighting people up. Just look at how bright she is in this picture! She's formed a solid tri with Vicki and Mini, and she's my best neighbor, for sure!

This is Yuri, (平山祐理) aka 姐夫 (hahaha I'm so gonna be punched) while "姐" here refers to Sherry. He's got an amazing talent of learning Chinese (nasty words) and rumor has it that some Taiwanese actually thought he was a Taiwanese, until she found out that all he was able to utter were pretty much the same category of nasty words.

This is Makito (大日方牧人) from Summer Institute, and he actually graduated from 早稻田. (Wow!) He's really courteous, and has tried his best learning Chinese greeting words. He's going to the graduate school in Tufts now, a promising young man. :)

And now, it's the turn to introduce some Koreans:

Yun!(金星潤) My lovely roommate! Gosh I love her soooo much! She's been always so gentle and tolerant! Though a Korean, she's also an ICU student, and she's come to Japan for nine years so she's like Korean and Japanese bi-lingual. She's gonna major in Korea-Japan relationship in the future.

This is Ricky, aka Turtle. Blimey, he's much elder than he actually look. I used to think he was only a year older than me or something. Well, here comes a guy with splendid night life: Parties parties parties!

This is Regina, and she's also a NTU student, which means, my school mate. She's learning Chinese in the NTU Language Center so I believe I've got plenty of chances to see her in the future (since as a NTUDFLL student, the language center is actually where I attend my classes.) And isn't she lovely! A gorgeous young lady! :D

Last but not least, French:

This is Frank, a guy extremely good at playing football. I also believe that he's the one who's got the most postcards to write. :p

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